

私たち⼀⼈ひとりが未来を切り開く担い⼿。できないことなど何にもない。 ⾃分を信じ、良いことをすることで、ポジティブ変化をもたらし、サステナブルな未来をつくろう。

私たちの未来を持続可能にするために、私たちはグローバルな視点に⽴ち、社会の課題を⼀⼈ひとりが「知る」「理解する」機会を増やし、地域とのつながりを持ち、その課題解決に向けた⼀歩を踏み出すことで、周りにポジティブな影響を与えます。ひとつになって前向きな変化を起こしていきませんか。Be the Change!


Gratitude creates our future

When I was in my mid-50s, my husband passed away after a long and grueling illness. Shortly thereafter, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery to remove it, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Balancing treatment and work was difficult for both my body and mind, and at times my body would scream and I would feel depressed mentally. Thanks to my family, friends, and colleagues who warmly watched over me, I was able to overcome the difficult times one after another and move forward. The naturally occurring feeling of gratitude encouraged me to want to live and to continue living. I also learned the importance of maintain a spirit of gratitude for being alive.

Each of us opens the way to the future. There is nothing that we cannot do. We can bring about positive changes and create a sustainable future by believing in ourselves and doing good things

We are kept alive by being supported by everything that surrounds us such as foods from the ocean, rivers, mountains, and fields, which are the blessings of nature, the resources of air and water, as well as by the support of our families and friends.
To make our future sustainable, we must take a global perspective, increase opportunities for each of us to "know" and "understand" critical social issues, build connections with local communities to address those issues. By taking a step forward to solve these issues we can make a positive impact to those around us. Let's make a positive change together as one. Be the Change!

Nov. 13th 2023


MEG Japan株式会社 代表
アメリカの⼤学院でホスピタリティ・マネジメントの修⼠号を取得。これまで30年以上、ヘルスケア、IT、ホスピタリティ業界において、⽇本やアジア地域の⼈事部⾨をリード。ダイナミックで速いスピード、そして激しい競争の環境の中で、事業の成⻑に向けた組織の強化と⼈のアップグレード、そして多様性を尊重し、⼀⼈ひとりがいきいきと⾃分らしく働ける環境づくりを積極的に⾏う。国際的な人道主義者でありリーダーシップコーチであるリンダ・クルーズのリーダーシッププログラムRace 4Goodのグローバル審査員。在日米国商工会議所人材マネジメント委員会副委員長。
President, MEG Japan, K.K.
I obtained Master of Hospitality Management in the US. For over 30 years, I had led HR department in Japan and Asia in the healthcare, IT and hospitality industries. In a dynamic, fast-paced and highly competitive environment, I have committed to strengthen the organization and upgrade the people to grow our business, and create an environment that respects diversity and allows people to thrive and be themselves. I am one of global judges of Race4Good which is a global leadership program funded by Linda Cruse who is an international humanitarian and leadership coach. I am Vice Chair on Human Resource Management Committee of American Chamber of Commerce Japan.